Homework Projects

Your Performance Project

Performance Project Due: April 30th As I said before, while much of performance art is about challenging the audience, please do not do anything illegal or that would scare the general public (particularly if it’s related to COVID–19 as this is illegal in some states). If you are planning on doing something that fools the […]

Homework Projects

Your New Video Project: The Living Filmstrip

Please note: If you’ve already started your original video project you’re welcome to continue with that one. This project was selected because it would allow you to create something with the materials you currently have including using your phone as a video camera. Living Filmstrip Assignment Due: April 14th Objective: To create a filmstrip of […]

Homework Narrative Projects

Video Assignment

Throughout this class we have been studying the ways in which time can affect a piece of art. We are now in the video section; in the previous assignment we created time through the use of animation in video we will be recording various events in time and putting them together to create your piece.

Homework Projects

Animation Assignment

You will be creating an animation using the techniques we talked about in class. The length depends on the technique you choose and is described in the table include in this assignment.

Homework Projects

Audio Assignment

Today in class we talked about both rhythm and tempo as well as the emotional impact that sounds can have on us. Your assignment for this project is to create a piece of audio that transitions from one emotional element to another. This can be done in the form of a song, a sound poem, a narrative or an audioscape. This project must be one and a half to two minutes, have at least 3 audio bits originally recorded by you.v

Homework Narrative Projects

Assignment: Kuleshov Effect

Final Project Due: February 4th Naming Convention: 02_Kuleshov In the next few classes, we will be talking about change and juxtaposition and how they affect the structure of a piece of time-based art. Lev Kuleshov was a member of the early soviet filmmakers who believed the editing or piecing together of film to be the […]

Homework Narrative Projects

Assignment: Narrative Image

Today in class we went over the basic building blocks of time. Change: is the way we measure time, this could be the change from day to night, the melting of an ice cube or the change in daily temperature of the seasons.

Homework Projects

Your Final Project

For your final piece you will be able to reinvestigate an assignment or group of assignments which you find most interesting and or challenging and devise a project around that discipline. This is pretty open so please see me if you have any questions.

Homework Projects


In the next few classes, we will be talking about change and juxtaposition and how they affect the structure of a piece of time based art. Lev Kuleshov was a member of the early soviet filmmakers who believed the editing or piecing together of film to be the most important factor in how an audience reads a film.

Homework Projects

A little app to help with image sequences

If you shot your footage at home on your still camera and you’re going to import the footage into Premiere Pro as an image sequence, I’ve made a little script to help you out.