Homework Projects

Your New Video Project: The Living Filmstrip

Please note: If you’ve already started your original video project you’re welcome to continue with that one. This project was selected because it would allow you to create something with the materials you currently have including using your phone as a video camera.

Living Filmstrip Assignment

Due: April 14th

Objective: To create a filmstrip of 5 or more video compositions. Each “slide” consists of a live video slide with attention to the elements of composition (which is gone over in the lectures below); such as:

  • space,
  • line and shape,
  • contrast.

In some shots use specific motion to change the picture such as:

  • movement of a subject,
  • movement of the camera,
  • changing focus (if possible)

Sound is optional but encouraged, the subject can be a story or instructions on how to do something but doesn’t have to be, the final video should feel like there is a sense of unity.

You might want to use this template or the index card method I talked about in class.

What the heck is a film strip?

A film strip is an old way of education that was phased out in the late eighties. Here’s a picture:

This was the great grandparent of the PowerPoint presentation you’d take a strip of film, load it into the projector and advance the slide when you heard a beep. Here’s a video of an old slideshow about

Please don’t feel like you need to create something retro. This is just a fun way for you to string together some interesting video compositions. The video could be instructional, a narrative or more surrealistic, but please make sure the overall video feels unified when watching it.

Student examples

Please be aware the videos below are over 10 years old and shot on HD cameras so your project may look different.